Thursday 26 March 2015

Feedback for thriller opening sequence

This is feedback from our media class in which we asked them questions about our opening thriller sequence. A  t the beginning a class mate says the liked how the suspense is built up throughout leading to the characters death. Another positive feedback was that the credits at the end of our opening sequence were really well done.  The non-diegetic music in our opening sequence also came across as appealing to the audience.  We then questioned whether or not the screen capture that was included was something that was relevant and looked good in our thriller. The responses supported the idea of the screen capture. the voice note that was used in our thriller for the voice of the mysterious caller produced a positive outcome also and fitted in really well, however there were some issues with the volume. 

Our film was inspired by the film Scream and this was obvious to the audience as this was the first film they thought it was similar to also. we questioned our class on whether our lead actress fitted the role. Their replies said she depicted a vulnerable blonde which is typical for thrillers and is a positive piece of feedback as that was our aim. They picked up on the fact that she is alone throughout showing she is isolated foreshadowing something bad to happen. 

there appeared to be controversy about the letter through the letterbox with the words Malice on it which was included to create a subtle hint to reveal to the audience what the film could be about and gives a subtle hint to the fact its also the title. 

Negative feedback was related to the fact that too much slow motion was included in our film consequently making it unrealistic and makes the clips that have this effect too long.

Presenting our film to the class allowed us receive positive and negative feedback that will allow us to make improvements to our thriller and also advise us on what needs to be changed, but also to hear about what they liked in our opening sequence and what they think we did well in editing and filming, indicating whether it would be a success or not.

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